Centrion Systems, Inc.

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(817) 332-8290

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Full Line of Passive, Interconnect, Electromechanical Components

Product Search Engine To Discover Our Full Line of Passive, Interconnect, Electromechanical Components

ISO 9001

Certifications / Awards

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DFWMSDC Centrion 2023

ISO Certificate

Centrion Systems SBE Certificate

WBENC (WOSB) Certificate WBENC (WBE) Certificate

Award Icon

General Dynamics Award 2012 - Strategic Supplier Performance Award for Superior Service.

In appreciation of superior performance in product quality and delivery and for our continued support as a strategic supplier.


U.S. Small Business Administration Award for Excellence 2007.

Presented to Centrion Systems, Inc. in recognition of outstanding contribution and service to the nation by a small business in satisfying the needs of the Federal procurement system.


Membership Icon

American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Texas (AICCT)

DFW Native American Chamber of Commerce

DFW Native American Chamber of Commerce

Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) Certified By the
U.S. Small Business Administration

Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB)